Latest news in Beacon
Three posters are presented at the 125th AOAC annual meeting 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The first poster presentation is about Aflatoxin immonoaffinity column entitled “Evaluation of aflatoxin IAC with grains and feed additives by HPLC and ELISA” (Reference number; 0048-000220).
The second poster is Beacon’s new T-2/HT-2 plate kit entitled “A novel immunoassay for the detection of T-2/HT-2 toxins in oat and cereal mix” (Reference number; 0048-000221).
The third one is Beacon’s prototype plate kit for the detection of growth hormone regulator (Zeatin Riboside) in seaweed entitled “Detection of plant growth regulator (Zeatin Riboside) in rockweed by immunoassay” (Reference number; 0048-000358).
The previous posters presented at AOAC meeting are listed below.
Detection of Nodularin in water samples by immunoassay (2010).
Detection of Aristolochic Acid, a nephrotoxin, in herbal medicine by immunoassay (2010).
Rapid analysis of Florfenicol in lobster hemolymph by enzyme immunoassay (2009).
Determination of Bisphenol A in baby bottles by EIA and HPLC/FLD (2008).
Electronic version of the posters will be available upon request.
Beacon’s Microcystin tube and plate kits officially completed the U.S. EPA ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) program.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program in 1995 that verifies the performance of innovative technologies that have the potential to improve protection of human health and the environment. ETV accelerates the entrance of new environmental technologies into domestic and international marketplaces. ETV’s goal is well described as “The goal of ETV is to provide credible performance data for commercial-ready environmental technologies to speed their implementation for the benefit of purchasers, permitters, vendors, financiers, and the public.”
Verification report and statement of Beacon’s Microcystin kit are available at the website (
Beacon’s AOAC PTM granted Aflatoxin kit was published in AOAC magazine, Inside Laboratory Management (March/April, 2011).
Beacon’s Aflatoxin plate kit has achieved the AOAC PTM (Performance Tested Methodssm) granted by AOAC Research Institute. And now, it was officially announced in AOAC magazine, Inside Laboratory Management (March/April, 2011). This article shows good correlation between Beacon kit and HPLC reference method. Also, it was addressed that the testing results for corn samples were within the acceptable precision limits set by USDA’s GIPSA (Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration). In the near future, this will be published in the Journal of AOAC (2011 fall).
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